Friday, August 8, 2008

A new beginning

After months of grief from the loss of her home, Joyce (on the right), finally went to the Help Center and got a voucher for household items. She went home with a set of dishes, a couple of lamps, some silverware and towels. The only thing the fire didn't claim was her car and the nightshirt she was wearing.

I have to apologize to all the guys at Bethlehem Center on Charlotte Avenue. When I said those pictures would be posted today, I was delusional. Check back around Monday, they'll be here. Meanwhile, look around. Comment. Have a nice weekend and thanks again.

EFB's, ready and waiting

I'm not sure when I last visited the Dickson Help Center. I think it was a little over a year ago. It isn't clear from this photo but they have maybe a third of what they had then. If that estimate is inaccurate, someone correct me.

Seth Doanes' backstage account of [his] CBS News story, A Family on the Edge is here.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Dickson Help Center Lunchroom

The New York City Hunger Blog is reporting some pretty good news for seniors here. In a similar nod to the value of nutritious meals... Tennessee Schools Serve Free Fruits and Vegetables

What supports a food pantry?

Very often, it's a thrift store.

Volunteers, Ursula Spence and Bobbie Somerville discuss the perils of moth holes, among other things, in a donated garment. I went looking for a website for them, didn't find one, but here's an article that mentions the Help Center. Good resources listed there at the end too if you happen to be needing help in Dickson County.

Jessica Donald (mentioned in the previous post)

Dickson County

People from the community leave donations and leftovers from their yard sales at the back door of Dickson Help Center. I should add: during business hours. The articles are then sorted by a brave woman named Jessica. Brave is appropriate for Jessica because as any thrift store sorter will tell you. There can be a little bit of everything in those bags and boxes. In her words, "Sort at your own risk."

Alley keeps tabs on volunteers, employees, and stray visitors at the Dickson Help Center.