Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Food stamps and church songs

Here are a few words from Mr. Seay (pictured above) about his food stamps and a bonafide church hymn from Mr. Ernest Tyree (who'd like to give a shout out to Emmanuel, at Second Harvest Food Bank of Middle Tennessee).

This blog is taking a little break. I'll be checking in though, to sort through all the many thousands of comments you folks will no doubt be sending but otherwise, we'll return to our regularly scheduled programming in a couple of weeks.


  1. Thank you for this blog. I will be reading regularly. I have worked with my church through the St. Vincent DePaul Society to help feed the hungry in my town.

  2. What beautiful and thought-provoking work you are doing. We are starting our annual food drive at our church at the end of the month...but we just collect it and send it to the food banks. We don't see the faces. You've shown me the faces. Different location, yes, but it's the same need. If we did see the faces, my guess is we would fill three truckloads instead of one.

  3. This is a wonderful thing that you are doing. God said: Fasting isn't enough, you must feed the hungry to be in my favor.

  4. We'll miss you while you're gone, but will check out Pitcherlady. You do great work, both here and there! Ed
