Just wanted to stop by and let you all (the great subjects of this blog and anyone else who still drops by) know - that some images from this blog made it all the way to to the top. They appeared in a video that Second Harvest Food Bank submitted to USASERVICE.ORG. Here's the best part... ready?
It won first place.
This news caused me to dance a little jig around my house last night for the people in the photos will be overjoyed to know that Mrs. Obama had taken a second out of the most exciting week of her life, to look into their eyes and get it. . Check it out on their blog, here.
While you're over there, sign up for something in your own community. It's as simple as typing in your zip code..
Also, Happy 2009 to everyone. I miss making regular posts here and hope to resurface this page in the near future.
Congratulations -- that's great news. I'll help spread the word.